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Invasion '53 Casting Breakdown

PROJECT OVERVIEW:  This short film is a 10-minute sci-fi comedy. It's a sendup of 1950s sci-fi movies, about a man-eating alien in human form who crashes a suburban cocktail party. The film will star a name actor, and will be covered by the SAG-AFTRA Short Project Agreement (SPA). All casting positions are PAID positions, and all roles are principal speaking roles. The location of both auditions and production is in the Frederick, Maryland, area. All talent must be able to work as a local. No travel accommodations will be provided by the production. The film will be submitted to festivals and may stream on web platforms (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.). All talent will receive a copy of the film for their demo reel.

IMPORTANT DATES:  Headshot/resume and self-tape submissions accepted through 5:00 pm EST on February 29, 2024.

In-person auditions will be held on March 11, 2024.

Shoot dates are May 11-13, 2024.


Auditions will be for leading and supporting roles. Casting decisions will be made from self-tapes and in-person auditions. All roles are principal speaking roles. All roles are PAID positions.


You must be eligible to act

in a SAG-AFTRA production.



LAURA - Female. Age 30s-50s. Any ethnicity. High-strung, warm.




JACK - Male. Age 30s-50s. Any ethnicity. A supportive husband. Witty.


DINAH - Female. Age 40s-60s. Any ethnicity. A wisecracker. Sassy.


COLONEL CHESTER - Male. Age 50s-60s. Caucasian. Proud, firm.


ANCHORMAN - Male. Age 40s-60s. Caucasian. A TV news anchor. Skeptical.


PROFESSOR - Male. Age 50s-70s. Any ethnicity. An astrophysicist. Confident, serious.


**There are additional supporting roles that will be cast based on these auditions. 



1. Please email your headshot, resume, and the role you wish to read for to

2. Subject line should read: "Casting - {Insert Your Name}"

3. Please submit your headshot and resume files with this label structure: {Last Name_First Name}

4. Sides will be issued based on the role you have selected via email reply.

Thank you for your interest.

We look forward to your submission!


A. Sides will be issued based on the role you have selected via email reply. This email will also include a link for you to upload your taped submission to our casting Dropbox.

B. Be sure to slate your name and the role you are reading for at the beginning of the recording.

C. Make sure you have good lighting and good sound, and are auditioning against a plain background.

D. Please submit all your files with this label structure: {Role_Last Name_First Name}. For example, "ColonelChester_Doe_John.mp4"

E. The recording should be no larger than 75 MB and be in MP4 format.

©2024 Danielle Weinberg

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